The Product Every Pet Parent Must Have

   It's here!  It's here!  We have become a distributor for the only cleaning product we stand behind 100% of the time.  We've used it diluted on rugs, couches, mattresses, curtains, hard wood floors, laminate floors, dog beds, my old incontinent Labrador and much more.  And  we use it concentrated in every dog (and guinea pig) laundry rinse cycle, in the carpet steam cleaner, and outside on the concrete (because the super old Lab insists on pee'ing on the concrete!).

 *A quick side note:  Yes, we have guinea pigs and yes they have laundry.  They are on fleece instead of disposable bedding, I'm sure we will write a post about their "cage" set up at some point.*

 Even if your pets are completely house trained, there are still reasons we all need a great natural cleaner.  There is the occasional diarrhea mess, kitty hairballs and dog drool on the couch...or that oh so lovely middle of the night vomit all over your bedroom by your 5 year old human child.  As the owner of See Spot Sit dog walking and pet sitting, Carrie has many pups in and out of her home, and most people are surprised at the lack of a "dog smell".  She owes that to XO Plusfor sure!

Years ago, Nature's Miracle was the best and safest cleaner on the market.  However, in recent years the alcohol smell has increased while it's overall effectiveness has decreased.  There is a story about it's patent being sold after the founder of the company had passed, I'm not sure of the legitimacy of this information but I wouldn't doubt it based on my experience using it.

With Nature's Miracle experiencing problems I was on the hunt for a new natural, enzyme based cleaner that would be completely safe for all pets.  There are a million other products that "clean" pet accidents, some are so good that the humans are fooled and can't smell the urine anymore.  Remember, it is especially important to remove the scent so our animals can't smell it (that's a nose 10,000 times stronger than ours) otherwise they will return to their self made potty spot!  EnterXO Plus("plus" is important because the company also offers just an odor neutralizer but this one is also a cleaner).  Not only is it completely safe, you can actually use it ON most pets!  I am happy to say that with my incontinent old dog having accidents, I've never had another pup walk in and pee over where I've cleaned - a true testament to the effectiveness of XO.  For a complete list and guide to everything XO is capable of, visit their web site:

Whether you have puppy messes to take care of or want a safe and effective cleaner to pick up hairballs off of the carpet, this is the absolute best! I've even cleaned a few fresh red wine spills from my carpet with this stuff.  To make using XO even easier, empty spray bottles will be available soon.

We believe in this product so much that we want to make it available at a great cost to all of our clients and will even drop off your order when we walk/visit your pets next.  Of course, it is also available for pick up at our office if you need it sooner.  Concentrate dilutes at a ratio of 1:7 which means 32 oz makes almost 2 gallons of diluted cleaner.

32 oz concentrate is only $19.99 

1 gallon concentrate is only $69.99

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Kristen Tobiason